The Best Coffee Brands for the Office

The Best Coffee Brands for the Office

No two coffee brands are alike, and choosing one that’s both flavorful and affordable is integral to running a happy office.  Certain brands stand apart as being cheaper or more flavorful. Others boast high caffeine levels and minimal preparation time.  In order to...
Printer Buying Guide: What Printer Should I Buy?

Printer Buying Guide: What Printer Should I Buy?

When you consider the number of printer options out in the market today, it’s no surprise that most consumers find printer shopping a pretty daunting task. As printer nerds, we’d like to offer you some advice that can help you find the right printer you need in the...
5 Tips On Staying Motivated At Work

5 Tips On Staying Motivated At Work

Whether you’re working in an office or from home, staying motivated is a major challenge. With distractions and fatigue around every corner, it takes a concerted amount of effort to stay on track. Here are a few creative ways to stay motivated at work: Create...
Ways to Recycle in Your Office

Ways to Recycle in Your Office

As more businesses begin to focus on sustainability and efficiency, many of them are starting to look into new ways to recycle in the office. Recycling paper and used ink cartridges are two ways that large and small businesses can lessen their environmental impact. It...
Tips On Setting Up Your Home Office

Tips On Setting Up Your Home Office

With more people than ever currently working from home, many people are starting to suffer from the endless distractions and discomfort that result from lacking a proper workspace.  Whether it’s your kids demanding your attention or a dim workspace draining your...
How to Make Your Printer Last Longer

How to Make Your Printer Last Longer

Buying a new printer is a relatively big expense, especially if you have to shell out for a new printer once every year or two. Taking care of your printer doesn’t require that much time or money, however, a few small steps will go a long way towards extending the...